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Chart of #MSFT

0.1 ( +67.93%)
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Bid/Ask: - / - Daily range: 414.9907/412.1291 52 weeks: Prior day closing price: 414.6414 Opening price: 416.6635
Instrument Bid Ask Spread Percentage
#AA 45.74 45.77 0.1 -5.40%
#AXP 287.31 287.38 0.1 +87.05%
#BA 146.07 146.11 0.1 -16.29%
#BABA 86.70 86.73 0.1 +15.17%
#BAC 45.98 46.01 0.1 +22.09%
#BK 77.71 77.74 0.1 +70.49%
#C 68.24 68.27 0.1 +41.40%
#CAT 381.23 381.41 0.1 +61.20%
#CSCO 57.43 57.46 0.1 +17.78%
#COP 113.43 113.46 0.1 -10.54%
#CVX 161.21 161.24 0.1 -12.53%
#DIS 114.28 114.32 0.1 +16.10%
#EBAY 60.75 60.78 0.1 +35.85%
#GE 177.71 177.75 0.1 +102.75%
#GS 581.44 581.76 0.1 +50.68%
#GM 54.84 54.87 0.1 +37.24%
#HAL 31.18 31.21 0.1 -13.84%
#HD 400.02 400.33 0.1 +23.47%
#HOG 32.45 32.49 0.1 -31.34%
#HPQ 36.68 36.71 0.1 +22.39%
#IBM 214.52 214.56 0.1 +44.28%
#INTC 23.98 24.01 0.1 -18.82%
#JNJ 152.89 152.92 0.1 -14.02%
#JPM 240.66 240.73 0.1 +76.42%
#KO 62.97 63.00 0.1 +0.85%
#KHC 30.87 30.90 0.1 -21.01%
#MA 512.08 512.26 0.1 +46.72%
#MCD 290.67 290.76 0.1 +6.05%
#MMM 127.70 127.75 0.1 -1.04%
#MSFT 415.28 415.32 0.1 +67.93%
#MSI 492.52 492.91 0.1 +84.84%
#NFLX 883.76 884.01 0.1 +208.50%
#NKE 73.24 73.27 0.1 -31.38%
#OXY 50.87 50.90 0.1 -27.92%
#PM 130.27 130.31 0.1 +32.94%
#PG 170.86 170.89 0.1 +16.19%
#SBUX 98.20 98.23 0.1 -0.98%
#SLB 43.53 43.56 0.1 -14.29%
#T 22.81 22.84 0.1 +18.86%
#VZ 42.20 42.23 0.1 +7.60%
#WMT 87.12 87.15 0.1 -42.80%
#V 307.21 307.25 0.1 +44.44%
#XOM 120.26 120.29 0.1 +5.57%
#AZN 99.68 99.78 0.1 +51.40%
#BYND 5.14 5.17 0.1 -59.34%
#COIN 319.93 320.01 0.1 +622.03%
#MS 131.56 131.59 0.1 +46.68%
#NVDA 145.62 145.65 0.1 -10.13%
#PFE 24.92 24.95 0.1 -49.28%
#QCOM 154.08 154.11 0.1 +23.95%
#ADS 213.400 213.500 0.1 +69.50%
#AIR 137.699 137.721 0.1 +21.15%
#BAS 42.364 42.371 0.1 -15.10%
#BATS 29.220 29.230 0.1 -12.38%
#BAYN 19.597 19.601 0.1 -64.87%
#BMW 68.399 68.441 0.1 -18.92%
#BN 65.15 65.19 0.1 +28.50%
#BNP 58.399 58.411 0.1 +8.87%
#CBK 15.754 15.766 0.1 +92.43%
#DAI 51.840 51.880 0.1 -17.14%
#DBK 15.921 15.927 0.1 +51.35%
#DTE 28.749 28.761 0.1 +45.37%
#GLEN 3.8159 3.8166 0.1 -28.89%
#GSK 13.0199 13.0251 0.1 -5.88%
#LHA 6.167 6.173 0.1 -18.26%
#LLOY 0.5549 0.5553 0.1 +17.79%
#NESN 76.49 76.53 0.1 -32.46%
#NOVN 90.94 90.98 0.1 +10.63%
#OR 320.95 321.00 0.1 -8.51%
#SAP 220.949 221.051 0.1 +109.51%
#SHEL 25.4849 25.4901 0.1 +8.47%
#SIE 176.359 176.381 0.1 +34.71%
#ULVR 45.3899 45.4001 0.1 +10.05%
#VOD 0.7129 0.7133 0.1 -23.34%
#VOW3 81.839 81.861 0.1 -40.31%
#GMKN 106 110 0.0 -99.28%
#IRAO 3.9310 3.9340 0.1 +21.61%
#MAGN 34.510 34.525 0.1 +11.85%
#NLMK 122.82 122.90 0.1 +15.78%
#NVTK 846.8 848.2 0.2 -21.29%
#SBER 237.02 237.09 0.1 +73.37%
#TATN 535.95 536.95 0.2 +46.15%
#VTB 75.45999 75.49001 0.1 +444305.12%

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Economic calendar

Time Country Importance Event Past Forecast Fact
10:00 21.11.24     United Kingdom Public Sector Net Cash Requirement (Oct) -20.484B
10:00 21.11.24     Germany German Car Registration (YoY) (Oct) -7.0% 6.0%
10:00 21.11.24     France French Car Registration (MoM) (Oct) 61.7% -2.5%
10:00 21.11.24     United Kingdom Car Registration (MoM) (Oct) 225.4% -47.6%
10:00 21.11.24     United Kingdom Car Registration (YoY) (Oct) 1.0% -6.0%
10:00 21.11.24     Germany German Car Registration (MoM) (Oct) 5.8% 11.1%
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