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Chart of XPTUSDe

0.8 ( +4.99%)
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Bid/Ask: - / - Daily range: / 52 weeks: Prior day closing price: 1038.5523 Opening price: 1038.5523
Instrument Bid Ask Spread Percentage
XAGUSDe 30.396 30.430 0.1 +41.55%
XAUEURe 2145.33 2145.56 0.1 +27.25%
XAUUSDe 2327.60 2327.85 0.1 +32.65%
XAGEURe 28.014 28.048 0.1 +35.81%
XPDUSDe 915.14 922.04 1.4 -51.13%
XPTUSDe 1036.37 1040.16 0.8 +4.99%
CUCUSDe 4.61903 4.62073 0.1 +27.17%

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